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Sing like Lana del rey

Sing like Lana del rey

Benefits Subliminal:


i have lana del rey's singing voice
everyone wants to hear me sing 
everytime i sing i am being told i have lana del rey's voice
everyone compliments my voice telling me it sounds exactly like lana del rey's
i have the same vocal tone like lana del rey
i got the same voice like lana del rey
i have lana del rey's voice when i sing
i sound exactly like lana del rey when i sing
i have lana del rey's vocal range
i have lana del rey's vocal technique
i got lana del rey's exact voice 
You have Lana Del Rey's singing voice.
You possess the same voice as Lana Del Rey.
You have Lana Del Rey's voice when you sing.
You sound exactly like Lana Del Rey when you sing.
You have Lana Del Rey's vocal range.
You have Lana Del Rey's vocal technique.
You possess Lana Del Rey's exact voice.
oh my god you sound exactly like lana del rey
you have lana del rey's exact voice
i love your voice because it sounds like lana del rey's

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